Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Why whinging about online retail is not helping your business | The ...

Online business is booming and continues to grow every year. Consumers buy everything from storage cabinets to imported food online. There is no stopping this trend and the sooner retailers realize it the better for them. Many large bricks-and-mortar chain store CEO?s are bemoaning the fact that they are losing revenue to online businesses such as Amazon. This kind of attitude is not helping and the only way to ensure continued company profits is to bow to consumer demand and open an online presence. Stores that have both physical properties and virtual real-estate are ideally positioned to take advantage of all customer shopping preferences.

Opening an online division is good for business

Already existing stores are ideally positioned to take advantage of the internet boom. Stores that sell merchandise such as storage closets for instance, are in the position to easily fulfill customer orders since they already have distribution channels. Some customers prefer to pick up their storage cabinets in person at the store after ordering online, while others are willing to pay the shipping fee to have their purchase delivered. Being successful in business is all about giving the customer as many choices as possible.

Taking advantage of virtual store-fronts

Business owners can realize savings because ordering online is an easy process and can be accomplished by automated software. There is no need to deal with salespeople when the ordering software takes care of all the details. Taxes and shipping costs are immediately calculated and the order is processed very quickly. Once the order is complete it is sent to the fulfillment center where it can be shipped out to customers as soon as it is received. Most stores already have shipping and receiving areas, and if not, it is easy to implement.

Stores that offer customers a choice of shopping methods have a higher customer satisfaction and retention rate. When customers already trust a brand they continue to buy that brand especially if it is made easy for them. Not everyone wants to go to a store to choose storage cabinets and if they can do so online they will have no reason to shop at a competing website. Customers like shopping at local or national businesses that have an online presence. It gives them a feeling of safety since the store is known and if they need to return purchases they can go right to the store. Having an online presence makes sense for business owners.

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